[ Moldova ]  RomanticNET - OLD BACKUP - loost entire present DB - sory for inconvenience , will try to remake like before ! [ 105 users ][ 119.3 Tb TB shared ]

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SERVER_BIRTHDAY 2011-01-03 13:02:09  
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Stato: Online  Ultimo controllo: Jul-27 3:02
Online: 95.57 % ( 2349/2458 )
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LAST_ONLINE 2024-07-27 07:01:58
Project page:  https://github.com/verlihub
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Owner: Smil3y
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Utenti massimi: 258  ( In questa data: Jan-28-2024 11:04 )
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Data di registrazione:
04:39:53 09/04/2007
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